4 things you should know about Premenstrual Syndrome


4 things you should know about Premenstrual Syndrome

2020-08-04 15:44:30

4 things you should know about Premenstrual Syndrome

PMS or when unabbreviated called Premenstrual Syndrome is common set of symptoms felt by women all over the world just some days before a menstrual cycle. Everyone should know about yet a few in Pakistan (who have the privilege of education) know about it. During the eve of International Women’s Day and My DOCtionary being a health website/app, we decided to make a little expound on the behavioural and physical symptoms that women all over feel before the dawn of a menstrual cycle. 

Premenstrual Syndrome starts certain days before the cycle

The usual number tags at 11 days, with most women showing these symptoms and the related manifestations. Usually, you will see mood swings as a result but the way these come can vary and differentiate for all women. A woman can also feel irritability and even anxiety among other things. 

What is the cause?

premenstrual syndrome The exact cause is not known, but the levels of estrogen and progesterone shoot up when it is ongoing. - 
The exact cause is not known, but the levels of estrogen and progesterone shoot up when it is ongoing. Both only normalize once menstruation begins (or more accurately when the menstrual cycle begins. 

The degree of its effect is different of women

In other words, what we are trying to say is the frequency differs for every woman who go through premenstrual syndrome. 32% of women will feel the severe kind of symptoms. Certain times women will go through certain yet unique symptoms which may lead them to particular risk factors. Remember, these are the extreme cases that we are talking about and the risk factors that are there but are not all are substance abuse, diarrhea, abdominal bloating, pain and sore breasts.

What should be men’s response with PMS

premenstrual syndrome Instead of acting out and wondering what is happening, people who know the sufferer should understand. - 
Instead of acting out and wondering what is happening, people who know the sufferer should understand.  A father, a husband, boyfriend, friend or a brother should try to understand what is happening. One should ensure the underlying cause of whatever symptoms are present if they somehow relate to PMS. Ensure and tell them you are there and that she is a strong woman who can handle or own. If you cannot take then let here be!
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Disclaimer: It is of utmost importance that you know all of this well-researched content is for general information. Therefore, you have to keep in mind this does not at all pertains to general treatment. Furthermore, for serious conditions please consult a doctor. For booking appointments with doctors or ordering medicines and lab tests. Please contact My Doctionary.


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