7 radical tactics for winning against sleep deprivation

Healthy Life Style

7 radical tactics for winning against sleep deprivation

2020-08-04 13:37:57

7 radical tactics for winning against sleep deprivation

Sleep Deprivation can be a major cause of concern. It is perhaps why we wanted to talk about it. Sleep deprivation is not to be taken lightly as once it gets a hold of you, life can easily become a daunting task to deal with. Millions of people suffer from this ailment and it comes in many different forms. One of the most well known of these sleepless ailments is what the world calls Insomnia. We have 7 radical tactics for winning against sleep deprivation for fighting things like Insomnia.
Insomnia ravages at least around 10 to 30 percent of the world's population. Keeping this in mind, it is of the essence that one takes care of oneself and tries to get proper sleep. One way to do this is to keep any type of sleep deprivation at bay. Some excellent tactics do exist to get over a sleep crunch, so some of these are mentioned below for your pleasure:
  1. Nap

You are saying regular sleep is not working for you? Well, how about you try a nap for your energy needs. We get that you may not be able to sleep now but if you train your body to do so you just might get there. Therefore, by taking naps you just do that as our body will gradually give in to your new habit of sleep intervals. In science it is called conditioning as basically you are conditioning yourself to sleep. Military officials also make it a habit of using this technique to reduce their sleep deprivation levels and condition themselves to sleep.
7 radical tactics for winning against sleep deprivation Therefore, by taking naps you just do that as our body will gradually give in to your new habit of sleep intervals. - 
  1. Keeping your body fit

It is another technique that many military officials try to bring back their regular sleep when in combat. It is also scientifically sound if you want to know. By getting fit your body gets fatigued and then conditioning happens to make it fit and stronger, so it can survive in strong environments and in that sense against fatigue too. At times, fatigue is a natural sleep bringer but if it is too much to bear, it can essentially be overbearing for your sleep. Keeping your body fit can decrease your fatigue and henceforth, it can also reduce sleep deprivation.
  1. Sleeping pills

7 radical tactics for winning against sleep deprivation Make use of sleeping pills only when necessary. - 
You can use pills when it is absolutely necessary to do so. Additionally, you must have a prescription from a respected doctor. With the aforementioned information out of the way, we should tell you that these sleeping pills have a good tendency to work but again, please never overuse them. Make use of sleeping pills only when necessary.
  1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

It is a medical therapy for helping individuals suffering from chronic sleep deprivation. By using this therapy, a therapist (they are experts at it) is able to change the thought process of the targeted individual. Using this on the individual who is suffering from sleep deprivation can help shun his or her unhealthy choices and decisions, which can include not sleeping. It can also reduce unhealthy habits which may be contributing to sleep deprivation.
  1. Creating a sleep sanctuary

Sometimes bad problems need innovative ideas to combat these problems. It is possible that these ideas work flawlessly if you put your mind to work on these. Creating a sleep sanctuary can be an excellent idea as you just reserve it for sleep where only relaxation or sleep inducing materials are permissible . Light the candles, read a book and keep your technology away from this place so that you will not see the interruptions of social media notifications. These keep you awake at night. This is how you create a sleep sanctuary for yourself and then you just wait for the sleep to kick in by a matter of mere minutes.
  1. Avoid caffeine

Our brain tends to hook onto anything, which helps ease its workings. Caffeine, while it is harmless in the beginning, in the long run it can become a literal monster, especially when it comes to your kidneys. In plain words, it is bad for our body but coffee (caffeine) does not end it here as coffee causes sleep deprivation in individuals who drink it and sometimes leads to jitters too. Two to three cups of coffee with 400 milligrams of caffeine in it is sufficient for your energy rush but avoid any more coffee/caffeine than this.
  1. Consult a doctor 

7 radical tactics for winning against sleep deprivation If trying anything from above does not work then there must be some underlying problem with it. - 
If trying anything from above does not work then there must be some underlying problem with it. It is highly important that you consult a doctor at any cost. Sleep deprivation may cause underlying problems like Sleep Apnea (breathlessness during sleep). One has to take care of one's sleep pattern.
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Disclaimer: It is of utmost importance that you know all of this well-researched content is for general information. Therefore, you have to keep in mind this does not at all pertains to general treatment. Furthermore, for serious conditions please consult a doctor. For booking appointments with doctors or ordering medicines and lab tests. Please contact My DOCtionary.


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